2016 – BSP supporting Boston Youth. Jingle Bell 5K. Special Thanks to everyone who participate!
YES 2016 Celebration! Thank you YES for all you do for the youth of Boston!!!
2016 – What a BLAST! Too much Fun! BSP 2016 Holiday Party. Special Thanks to Susan & Derege for hosting.
2016 – BSP Pre-Season Training @ Blue Hills Ski Area! Thanks to everyone who attended and Also to David & Kevin who lead the exercise & Hike. Special Thanks to Ariane & Kevin for hosting Game night after!
Fun, Fun, Fun @ the 2016 Ski Expo! See you on the slopes!!!
HubNob 2016, the BEST event in Boston! Thanks to Will Morales & Chris Byner for the great job they do with the Youth & Families of Boston.
NBS-ER President Meeting in Atlanta! Congratulations to all the Grant winners!
Fun Halloween Party! Special thanks to everyone who attended in the cold rain. Hilllary you were hilarious, Trump the vote wasn’t rigged, Nicki Minaj Congrats on your win! Dan & Segal thanks for hosting 🎶
Fun After work socials @ ICA, NU & America Scores Boston
Special thanks to everyone who ran the 5K today, supporting Team Youth Enrichment Services (YES). This great organization provides many programs for the youth of Boston.
Fun time @ Boston Jazz Festival 💃
5K – Join Team YES and help YES win $1,000 grant! Sun, Oct 2nd @ 9am, run/walk 5K. See registration link below and type “Youth Enrichment Services” as your nonprofit! Top male & female runners win $$$.http://www.yankeetiming.com/websites/2016/ebsb/ See you there 🏃 🏃 🏃
Think Snow ❄️❄️❄️ @ The 2016 Ski Summit, Sunday River, Maine!
Great seeing you, Gary, and Howard Goode in today’s Dimock 5K Race. With over 700 runners and walkers, it was great fun for all! I organized the table for the Multicultural Committee for the Gr. Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau. Congratulations for a job well done!
5K, supporting Roxbury Dimock’s Health Center & accessible healthcare for many families! Fun, Fun, Fun 👍🏽
After work social @ Northeastern 1st Thursday. Awesome time!!!
It’s CARNIVAL Boston – Everybody start to Jump, Wave!
BSP 2016 Glamping Trip. Fun, Fun, Fun! Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking, Sailing, Paddle Boarding, & More. SEQUENCE RULES! Green team is the best 🙂
Celebrating Toni Randolph who passed away on July 3rd. Donation totaling $740 was made in her honor to BSP Youth Program, in the form of a one-time scholarship to 2017 high school graduates pursuing a college degree. Addition donations can be send to Boston Ski Party, PO Box 962224, Boston, MA 02196. Keep track of donations at https://bostonskiparty.org/toni-randolph-scholarship/
Youth BBQ, Pool & Game Day @ Danversport Yacht Club. Fun time! Thank you YES & Larry!
On Tuesday, Aug 16th please join the gathering of friends, as we remember and celebrate our dearest Toni Randolph who passed away on July 3rd. While living in Boston, Toni was an active member of the community and of Boston Ski Party and she leaves us with many fond memories. Please feel free to share this invite.
When: Aug 16th, 5:30-7:30PM
Where: Darryl’s Corner Bar & Kitchen 604 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA
EPIC!!! – Boston take-over Caribana 2016! Fun, fun & more fun! Party, Party & more Party!
Amazing time on the Spirit of Boston after work Dinner Cruise! Thanks to all who attended!!
Fantastic time at Boston Ski Party Summer cookout! Special thanks to Dan & Sigal for hosting and to all who attended.
Congratulations & Good Luck to all the Boston Ski Party youth who graduated from High School & College in 2016! We hope your dreams take you to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities and to the most special place your heart as ever known. God bless!
Boston Ski Party had a fantastic time on the YES Fundraising Cruise!
NYC Speed Racers couldn’t make it to YouthFest in March because they were sick but YouthFest made it to them in May! Thank youMaxine Spence!
Having a BLAST at Boston Derby Party!
Making a difference in the Community @ the Comcast Care Volunteer Day! – April 30, 2016
Supporting PBHA’s 13th Annual Auction. This great organization provides a student-run summer camps that serve more than 800 children and teens throughout Boston and Cambridge. – April 27, 2016
National Brotherhood of Skiers ER Presidents @ the 2016-17 Planning Meeting in the City of Brotherly Love. – April 24, 2016
Wishing Everyone running today the best of luck! You are all an Inspiration! BOSTON STRONG!!! – April 18, 2016
Awesome time at the YES Gala. This great organization provide many programs for the youth of Boston. – April 8, 2016
130 Youth from 10 NBS Clubs & 14 States -YouthFest 2016! – March 11-13, 2016
Boston Ski Party members mask-up today, supporting Nina Miller-Browne in the fight to KICK CANCER’S ASS! – Feb 28, 2016
BSP had an amazing time at the Fenway Big Air Event!!!! – Feb 14, 2016
Awesome time at NBS-ER WinterFest 2016! – Feb 7, 2016
BSP Youth had an AMAZING time skiing with US Olympian Julia Ford yesterday!!
I spent yesterday @ragged_mountain trying to keep up with these guys. Thanks to The Boston Ski Party for ripping around with me. You guys rock. – Julia Ford – Feb 1, 2016
BSP Youth learned how to sharpen their skies with 2 files (cost $6)! Sharpen the base edge 1st (use longer file), then the side edge 2nd (smaller file). – Jan 25, 2016
BSP joined YES on MLK Diversity Day on the the mountain top! Thank you Dr. King!!! – Jan 19, 2016
Boston Ski Party 3rd week chasing SNOW! Happy New Years
Rain can’t stop BSP Youth from hitting the slopes! See you all on Jan 3rd